Dyslexia Tutoring
Assessing the Situation
Lack of reading success is a big indication that dyslexia might be to blame. Students experience frustration, failure, social problems, and confusion. The feeling of frustration comes when they can’t make the connections between letter names, sounds, and shapes. They see it but they can’t put it to paper or it’s not retained. They experience failure among their peers. They’ll often turn to their peers for answers or help in hopes that no one will figure out they are struggling. When a student is left untreated, low self-esteem occurs which leads to behavior problems, anxiety, aggression, and avoidance of friends, parents and teachers to hide their reading problem. Confusion/avoidance is prolonged through adulthood as they manipulate their life around reading and find other ways to get by.
Tutoring Through Dyslexia
Depending on the situation, students will work with Dyslexia Therapists in a small group setting or in a private, one-on-one, setting. They are working in a group with students who share their same academic deficiencies. With Tana’s Tutoring, my goal is to work with your child one-on-one unless otherwise discussed. Your child will receive lots of praise and encouragement throughout each session as skills are retained. They will start small with the alphabet, letter names, sounds, shapes, and writing. Then they will practice putting learned skills to paper through dictation, coding, reading, rereading, and proofing. Each session will end with a brief overview of learned skills and new skills for success in the classroom.
Continuing the Journey
Most of the population would believe that one year of therapy is enough to get your child back on grade level. That may be true for some rare cases. Because dyslexia is a neurological deficiency, years of therapy will likely be required. The earlier your child is diagnosed, the earlier we can come up with a plan for success. When there’s evidence of success on an independent level (fluently reading, legible writing, accurate spelling, and noted comprehension) coping skills for success in life will be discussed. My desire for post-therapy is that each child will leave feeling confident in their reading ability and enthusiastic for the endless possibilities for success in their future.